| Monday, June 17, 2013

Anime Vice News Feed


Get a room, you two.
Get a room, you two.

Team 7 aren't the only ninja squad itching to prove themselves in this war.

The Good

I wonder how many of these they actually practice.
I wonder how many of these they actually practice.

When you listen to some writers talk about a story, you may be surprised how entire chapters or episodes are based around a moment. Some clever idea the author thinks up, then struggles to find a way to work it into the plot. This chapter feels as if it was designed as a set up for that closing summoning scene. Mind you, I think it's a cool scene. It just feels completely out of place here.

The chapter had some great art, and I very much appreciate getting to see Team 10 step up and unite together for yet another iteration of the Ino-Shika-Cho Combination. They were one of my favorite parts of the chapter, but an honorable mention to Hinata stepping up her game. After her fight with Pain, she deserves more cool scenes.

The Bad

Stop staring into each other's eyes and DO SOMETHING.
Stop staring into each other's eyes and DO SOMETHING.

For all the cool action that we saw this week. The chapter was little more than a showcase for the other Leaf Ninja. Though, I'm confused why only these few. Where's Rock Lee and Tenten during all of this? Are they off filming the latest episode of ROCK LEE & HIS NINJA PALS?

Sai was completely incidental to this entire chapter. His only purpose for appearing was to set up dialog to inspire Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke in a three-way, simultaneous summoning. I thought about asking why Sasuke is summoning snakes after his team became about the hawk, but this is Sasuke we're talking about. As with most things, he probably changed his mind on a whim.

Verdict 3/5

It's rather remarkable that for all the action in this chapter that nothing really changed. Where they started is where the chapter basically ends. These past few chapters have been little more than incremental progress. You'd think the conclusion of this world war would be at a breakneck pace, but it's been closer to baby steps. I just hope that you're taking in these highlighted characters while you can. Knowing Kishimoto, it will be quite a long time till you see many of these people in action like this again.

About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt


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