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COPPELION #1 -- Special Review

| Saturday, October 5, 2013
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COPPELION #1 -- Special Review

When the enormous, magnitude 8.9 earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated Japan's coastal communities in March of 2011, numerous anime shows, movies and events were put on hold for a while. If a title depicted giant waves, or mass destruction of any kind, television broadcasters thought it prudent to pull them from their schedules to avoid further traumatizing the populace (and rightly so). While this affected high-profile shows such as MADOKA MAGICA - - which didn't air it's final episodes until over a month after the disaster - - it also affected shows that were still just being developed at the time.

One such victim was a show called COPPELION, a series adapted from a manga of the same name by Tomonori Inoue. Because the story is set in a future Japan where a radioactive disaster reduced the population to a mere tenth of what it was, a lot of the crew involved thought it would hit too close to home. Flash forward to today - - over two years later - - and the first episode of COPPELION has finally hit airwaves, simultaneously premiering here in the states via VIZ Media.

== TEASER ==

The show follows a squad of three girls - - Aoi, Taeko, and their leader Ibara - - as they explore the decaying ruins of Tokyo, searching for survivors. They are a special breed of genetically-engineered humans called 'Coppelion' who are immune to the effects of radiation and therefore the only ones suited for the job.

Atmosphere is the real star of the show, though, and the backgrounds of the now-decaying Tokyo are lovingly rendered with the lush greens of reforestation (which contrast sharply with the rusty reds of street signs). Tokyo is referred to by the girls as the "Old Capital," in a neat and somewhat subtle bit of world building. The slow pace of the story invites you to contemplate the kind of people that help others in the face of disasters, and whether the obligation they feel makes them closer to angels or trained animals.

Unfortunately that pace is also one of the show's bigger problems. There's just not much urgency, even when survivors are found who are in desperate need of medical attention. You also have time to think about the inconsistencies in the world, such as why the girls are told that they can't communicate with HQ with their cellphones when they had radios the whole time; and why anyone thought it was a good idea to send these girls out in school uniforms with way-too-short tartan skirts.

The premise of these girls being elite agents, trained from birth to deal with such dangerous problems, stretches disbelief a bit, as well. Aoi, for instance, is whiny and weak, even going so far as to have a breakdown in this first episode. And why - - despite having been genetically engineered with such forethought as to include a love of animals in her personality - - did those mean scientists neglect to give Taeko better vision? The poor thing has to wander around a desolate wasteland with glasses on! Would the 'nerd chic' truly be worth it after, say, she falls and they break?

To be fair, when I looking back over these gripes, they really aren't too far afield of the conceits you get used to accepting with most anime. I guess they just come into sharper relief when paired with the bleak setting. Honestly, if the action picks up (and the previews suggest it might) as these girls learn more about what happened to Tokyo after the accident, then this might be one to keep an eye on.

Watch the first episode of COPPELION (for free) at and decide for yourself. Did you find COPPELION more engaging than I did? Do you already have a crush on one of the characters? Did I mispronounce something in the article? Let us know in the talkback!

Matt Murphy is a freelance nerd and has contributed to many nerd websites. You can find him by going to where the light meets the shadow, by sending out zeta-brainwaves or by following him on Twitter .

COPPELION #1 -- Special Review

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Saturday, October 5, 2013
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ONE PIECE #614 - - Special Review

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ONE PIECE #614 - - Special Review

Wow… I’m… honestly at a loss for words.

Is this really the same show that had an entire episode devoted to
Luffy chasing after some guy dressed as a poodle?

Watching ONE PIECE for almost a year, now, I still feel like most of
these write-ups end up being exercises in me simply trying to understand how
all its seemingly-irreconcilable components can possibly fit together. For as often
as I’ve mused about the patent absurdity such zany characters tackling dark subject matter like drug addiction, it’d be simply dishonest to say that
this single episode was anything but a devastating wallop.

After however many episodes of build-up - - blowing off steam intermittently
with a super fight, of course
- - “Punk Hazard” has swelled to one serious
emotional crescendo.

== TEASER ==

To dissect it a little more clinically, the key to the impact here isn’t
so much about the cruelty inflicted on these innocents as it is about the tragic
futility of those trying to reverse that cruelty. Mocha’s sacrifice hits that much harder
because you’d know she’d have thought of a smarter alternative…. if only she
were older.
And she’s never going to be older, as has often been repeated to

Likewise, knowing that Chopper could’ve saved these kids - - if only
the Straw Hats had arrived earlier, if only he hadn’t run out of his Hulk
- - makes his helplessness all the more frustrating. Were it not for one or two
arbitrary circumstances, he would be to fix things. It’s just
like that old scene where Superman’s Pa dies of a heart attack. All that power,
and he couldn’t save them.

I guess there’s always a chance that the Straw Hats can pull a happy
ending out of this but, after this wrenching roller-coaster, it’d feel a seriously cop-out.

Watch this
Save Her Friends! Mocha Runs at the Risk of Her Life!"
here and decide for yourself,
then read my comments about the previous episode here.

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

ONE PIECE #614 - - Special Review

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| Friday, October 4, 2013
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Anime Vice News Feed


I've hidden a melon bread under one of these hats. I'll shuffle them and whoever finds it first gets it.
I've hidden a melon bread under one of these hats. I'll shuffle them and whoever finds it first gets it.

As Naruto and Sasuke leap in to prevent the end of the Shinobi World, Hashirama's mind starts to wonder toward the distant past and the First Kage Summit.

The Good

Pretty much the only action you'll see this chapter.
Pretty much the only action you'll see this chapter.

Building frustration would be an appropriate description with last week's NARUTO chapter, but it at least hinted at some excitement for this week. That didn't work out so well. The scenes of action that we got were nice to have. Though, they were very much in the minority for the chapter. If you count them up, there are only ten panels that doesn't show people just standing around as if they were waiting for the bus.

The Bad

Oh, no. There could be a Shinobi World Shutdown.
Oh, no. There could be a Shinobi World Shutdown.

When I go into a shonen-action series, I expect some level spectacular action to be happening at some point. There was a suggestion of something amazing after last week's finale. We instead were interrupted with learning the politics of the first kage summit. Why does Kishimoto interrupt a battle to show us a bunch of guys sitting around a table arguing? It's as if you were watching WWE wrestling, then someone grabbed the controller and turned the channel to C-SPAN.

I'm not opposed to political intrigue, but this moment was hardly what I'd call intriguing. There is a time and place for this sort of flashback, and this isn't it.

Then there's my second problem with this chapter. Too much of it is also dedicated to the inner thoughts of various people comparing Naruto and Sasuke to Hashirama and Madara. If it sounds familiar, it's because this isn't the first time it's happened this arc. We get the metaphor already.

Verdict 2/5

If you wanted an issue of NARUTO where people just stood around comparing characters with other characters, and watching a bunch of old guys arguing around a table. Here's the chapter for you. Kishimoto once more keeps teasing us with a grand finale to this conflict but keeps pulling back. This chapter feels like the canon equivalent of a filler episode.

Oh well, maybe next week will be better.

Follow along with the latest NARUTO chapters yourself, tune in for the SJ Podcast, and check out the free starter pack sampler at here. You can download the free app for both iOS and Android devices.

About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /


Posted by : Unknown
Date :Friday, October 4, 2013
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Anime Caption Contest! -- 10/2/13 -- AV MOD MATERIAL

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Anime Caption Contest! -- 10/2/13 -- AV MOD MATERIAL

Welcome back to the Anime Vice Caption Contest! You know the drill; we have three new images that need some funny captions! See who won the previous contest below!


  • You can caption any or all of the images!
  • You can caption the same image more than once, but not in the same post!

Your captions will be judged by the hosts of THE VICE PIT themselves; Tom Pinchuk and Sam Weller! The winners and their winning captions will be featured in the next Caption Contest post!


I've noticed some users don't always insert the images correctly in the comment section. To make sure you post the images properly, you should copy them from this post and paste them into the comment box, rather than upload the images again yourself. To do this, highlight some of the text below the images (try starting from "want to recommend") all the way up to some of the text above the images (try highlighting up to "fill in the captions!") and then right-click on that text and select "copy", go to the comment box, right-click inside that and select "paste" - then all you need to do is fill in the captions! Hope that helps, have fun!


"Repeat after me. 'Today is Caturday.' 'Today is Caturday.' 'Today is Caturday.' 'Today is Caturday.'..."
~ CapeBarnes
"Should we tell her it was only root beer"
~ Mutant_God

"Bart may have gone to the restroom... but you still... BETTER NOT LAY A FINGER ON HIS BUTTERFINGER"
~ jj_jackson

New Caption Contest!

So, are you up to the challenge? Just copy the images (READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE!) into the comment box below and fill in the captions!

"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"

Want to recommend some images for the contest? Go to my profile and send them to me in a PM and I'll check them out. Have fun and good luck!

About the Author

Daniel Newton is a freelance writer. You could probably describe him as an Otaku, Gamer, Brony, Trekkie, Pokémaniac and a bunch of other nerdy things. He also really likes Wine Gums. If you're into any of that you can follow him on: Twitter /// tumblr /// Google+

Anime Caption Contest! -- 10/2/13 -- AV MOD MATERIAL

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| Thursday, October 3, 2013
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Just as Block D of the tournament is set to begin, the further events across Dressrosa are setting to explode in an all out war.

The Good

Luffy is the voice of the people.
Luffy is the voice of the people.

I had a rather humorous revelation as I was reading this week's issue of ONE PIECE. Have you ever had one of those moments when you're reading something and some character has the very same reaction as yourself just as it's crossing your mind? I had this exact moment as I read Luffy's reaction to Cavendishberate the crowd for harassing Rebecca. However, I didn't call him "Cabbage". He actually impressed me by his dramatic speech, but I still hate the guy. I can't speak for the rest of you, but I want Rebecca to win.

We shouldn't forget what we learn at the end about the formation of the World Government. It does still leave me with a question. If Doflamingo is a member of the Celestial Dragons, why does he need the title of Warlord? Seeing how the Celestial Dragons can quite literally get away with murder. I sense a flashback coming in our future.

The Bad

You annoy me, but I still laughed.
You annoy me, but I still laughed.

Sticking to the theme. I had to chuckle at myself in a way. The only thing I didn't really like about this chapter is that we're taken away from the tournament. Just ponder on how silly that seems. I was bothered that the story was focusing on the primary cast of the series. I guess my excitement had just been built up to see Rebecca fight after the previous two chapters and the one week break.

Verdict 5/5

This is a great chapter of ONE PIECE. I enjoyed reading it a lot, and I got some genuine laughs out of it. However, I was originally hesitant to score this chapter a 5 out of 5. Maybe it's just in me to favor drama in story telling. Ultimately, the score should focus on the entertainment value, and this was undoubtedly entertaining. You're getting a little bit of everything in this chapter. Add to that the rather huge information bomb Doflamingo drops on us in the final pages. This had a little bit of everything.

Follow along with the latest ONE PIECE chapters yourself, tune in for the SJ Podcast, and check out the free starter pack sampler at here. You can download the free app for both iOS and Android devices.

About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /


Posted by : Unknown
Date :Thursday, October 3, 2013
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Just as Block D of the tournament is set to begin, the further events across Dressrosa are setting to explode in an all out war.

The Good

Luffy is the voice of the people.
Luffy is the voice of the people.

I had a rather humorous revelation as I was reading this week's issue of ONE PIECE. Have you ever had one of those moments when you're reading something and some character has the very same reaction as yourself just as it's crossing your mind? I had this exact moment as I read Luffy's reaction to Cavendishberate the crowd for harassing Rebecca. However, I didn't call him "Cabbage". He actually impressed me by his dramatic speech, but I still hate the guy. I can't speak for the rest of you, but I want Rebecca to win.

We shouldn't forget what we learn at the end about the formation of the World Government. It does still leave me with a question. If Doflamingo is a member of the Celestial Dragons, why does he need the title of Warlord? Seeing how the Celestial Dragons can quite literally get away with murder. I sense a flashback coming in our future.

The Bad

You annoy me, but I still laughed.
You annoy me, but I still laughed.

Sticking to the theme. I had to chuckle at myself in a way. The only thing I didn't really like about this chapter is that we're taken away from the tournament. Just ponder on how silly that seems. I was bothered that the story was focusing on the primary cast of the series. I guess my excitement had just been built up to see Rebecca fight after the previous two chapters and the one week break.

Verdict 5/5

This is a great chapter of ONE PIECE. I enjoyed reading it a lot, and I got some genuine laughs out of it. However, I was originally hesitant to score this chapter a 5 out of 5. Maybe it's just in me to favor drama in story telling. Ultimately, the score should focus on the entertainment value, and this was undoubtedly entertaining. You're getting a little bit of everything in this chapter. Add to that the rather huge information bomb Doflamingo drops on us in the final pages. This had a little bit of everything.

Follow along with the latest ONE PIECE chapters yourself, tune in for the SJ Podcast, and check out the free starter pack sampler at here. You can download the free app for both iOS and Android devices.

About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /


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Anime Caption Contest! -- 10/2/13 -- AV MOD MATERIAL

| Wednesday, October 2, 2013
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Anime Vice News Feed

Anime Caption Contest! -- 10/2/13 -- AV MOD MATERIAL

Welcome back to the Anime Vice Caption Contest! You know the drill; we have three new images that need some funny captions! See who won the previous contest below!


  • You can caption any or all of the images!
  • You can caption the same image more than once, but not in the same post!

Your captions will be judged by the hosts of THE VICE PIT themselves; Tom Pinchuk and Sam Weller! The winners and their winning captions will be featured in the next Caption Contest post!


I've noticed some users don't always insert the images correctly in the comment section. To make sure you post the images properly, you should copy them from this post and paste them into the comment box, rather than upload the images again yourself. To do this, highlight some of the text below the images (try starting from "want to recommend") all the way up to some of the text above the images (try highlighting up to "fill in the captions!") and then right-click on that text and select "copy", go to the comment box, right-click inside that and select "paste" - then all you need to do is fill in the captions! Hope that helps, have fun!


"Repeat after me. 'Today is Caturday.' 'Today is Caturday.' 'Today is Caturday.' 'Today is Caturday.'..."
~ CapeBarnes
"Should we tell her it was only root beer"
~ Mutant_God

"Bart may have gone to the restroom... but you still... BETTER NOT LAY A FINGER ON HIS BUTTERFINGER"
~ jj_jackson

New Caption Contest!

So, are you up to the challenge? Just copy the images (READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE!) into the comment box below and fill in the captions!

"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"
"Caption me!"

Want to recommend some images for the contest? Go to my profile and send them to me in a PM and I'll check them out. Have fun and good luck!

About the Author

Daniel Newton is a freelance writer. You could probably describe him as an Otaku, Gamer, Brony, Trekkie, Pokémaniac and a bunch of other nerdy things. He also really likes Wine Gums. If you're into any of that you can follow him on: Twitter /// tumblr /// Google+

Anime Caption Contest! -- 10/2/13 -- AV MOD MATERIAL

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Wednesday, October 2, 2013
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VISION OF ESCAFLOWNE #2 - - Watch & Learn

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VISION OF ESCAFLOWNE #2 - - Watch & Learn

If anybody gets around to reviving this brand (if only just to sell
a new collection
), they’d probably get a lot of mileage out of presenting
ESCAFLOWNE as ‘the steampunk mecha.’ I
find it pretty amusing how the genre, as its labeled, has actually been around
since the 80’s, yet so few of the current crop of fans seem to have much
interest in seeking out older entries in the canon.

I mean, look at this - - it’s steampunk.

I guess the same sentiment applies to ESCALFLOWNE, on its own, as being
a criminally overlooked gem. Were I to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s perhaps
just a victim of getting straddled with an atrocious dub during the brief window of
opportunity it had to grab American TV audiences in the late 90’s/early 2000’s.
There’s no reason why, say, OUTLAW STAR should hold more enduring awareness for
American fans today - - other than the fact that it simply got to air on
Toonami during its prime.

== TEASER ==

Now, what about the episode itself? Again, I’ll praise the virtues of show not
wasting any time in getting to throat-grabbing conflict. No sooner has Van returned
to his home, and accepted his coronation, than we see him become a king without
a crown in a realm razed by horrific enemy forces. There’s no question of why I
need to come back next episode - - I have a physical compulsion to
see what will happen to our heroes next.

Also, I figure there’s got to be a subtle science to the way Merle’s
been crafted as a character. On paper, the prospect of a lovesick cat girl
incessantly who dotes on our hot-blooded prince sounds like something that'd get real irritating, real fast. However, in practice, some combination of voice acting and
body language makes her immediately likable, almost in spite of herself.

I suppose the lack of eye-roll inducing T&A (as we expect with
every other cat girl
) might have also have a lot to do with why her presence isn’t

Look up this
"The Girl from the Mystic Moon" and decide for yourself,
then read my thoughts on the previous episode here.

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

VISION OF ESCAFLOWNE #2 - - Watch & Learn

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ATTACK ON TITAN #24 - - Watch & Learn

| Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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ATTACK ON TITAN #24 - - Watch & Learn

I’ve said this before, but one of the bigger knocks bedeviling this
show - - a real weight sitting on the other end of the seesaw, as it were
- - is that not enough care has been given to differentiate the cast. While these past couple episodes have been
wonderfully thrilling, I don’t feel any shame in admitting that the fallout of
the Female Titan’s surprise hasn’t hit me as hard as it could’ve, because I
keep scratching my head to actually remember the history Eren and Annie have.

When your cast is stuffed with countless soldiers of the same body
type, wearing the same uniforms and using the same gear, it’s really crucial to
give the important players a myriad of strong identifiers - - distinctive
names, noticeable accessories, behavioral tics, even catch phrases
- - to
make them immediately distinguishable.

== TEASER ==

I may not recall the name of the gal in the screencap above but, when
she makes her dramatic re-entrance in this episode, I remember everything else about
her on the dot. Why? Because her huge, shiny glasses are a strong visual
identifier, and she’s the only member of the cast who gets into creepy laughing
fits. What’s more - - the other character remark on this behavior and reinforce it further.
That’s a solid cluster of identifiers.

When ATTACK OF TITAN regularly goes through so much trouble, using
graphic design sensibilities to convey all the detailed tactics of a battle
plan, then it’s perplexing why it hasn’t extended the same careful sensibility
to its cast. If the show ever gets a redux to better balance its uneven
qualities, the hypothetical producers will first need to give new names to Eren,
Armin and Erwin that aren’t borderline homophones. Then, they’ll
really need to give Annie a makeover so - - in the immediate recall of
viewers who haven’t gotten to re-watch episodes and study episode breakdowns
- - there’s more to differentiate
her from Mikasa than her being the blonde supremely-skilled,
emotionally-withdrawn guardsmen with an affinity for Eren.

Watch this
"Mercy - Raid on Stohess District" here and decide for
yourself, then read my write-up on the previous episode here.

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

ATTACK ON TITAN #24 - - Watch & Learn

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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What Makes A Bad Anime Movie? -- THE VICE PIT

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What Makes A Bad Anime Movie? -- THE VICE PIT

What Makes A Bad Anime Movie? -- THE VICE PIT

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